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Produkte zum Begriff Investment risk:

  • Using and Controlling Risk to Your Investment Advantage
    Using and Controlling Risk to Your Investment Advantage

    This is the eBook version of the printed book.This Element is an excerpt from Trade the Trader: Know Your Competition and Find Your Edge for Profitable Trading (9780137067084) by Quint Tatro. Available in print and digital formats.   The two most common myths about trading and risk: why successful traders know better, and you should, too.   The idea that you should always have stock exposure–and the level should equate with your age or time horizon–assumes that market timing isn’t possible. If that is the case, it’s just a matter of time before the hundreds of consistently successful traders I know go belly up. Sorry to all my trading friends: it’s been fun.

    Preis: 2.13 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Investment Cycles
    Investment Cycles

    This Element is an excerpt from Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians, Second Edition (9780137059447) by Charles D. Kirkpatrick and Julie Dahlquist. Available in print and digital formats.   Do price cycles come in waves? An objective look at the evidence–and what it means to investors.   Trends don’t occur in a straight line. Prices oscillate up and down around a trend. These oscillations form trading ranges, patterns, and channels. Could these oscillations have some sort of regularity? Believing they do, cycle analysts look at prices as a form of complex harmonics or “waves.” Not surprisingly, the concept of prices oscillating in cycles is controversial...

    Preis: 2.13 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Corporate Finance and Investment
    Corporate Finance and Investment

    Understand and develop the tools to apply the principles of Corporate Finance from an international perspective with this leading text. Corporate Finance and Investment: Decisions and Strategies, 9th Edition is the latest version of this highly regarded and established text, coming from a team of leading experts in the field. The text studies the discipline from an international perspective, aiming to help you understand the fundamental principles of Corporate Finance and develop the tools you need to apply theory to practice. The latest, thoroughly revised Edition includes topical issues in valuation, working capital, capital structure, the dividend decision, Islamic Finance, Risk Management, and Behavioural Finance. Focusing on the strategic issues of Finance in a business setting, this must-read text uses the latest financial and accounting data, articles, and research papers, to effectively demonstrate the ways and extent you can apply theory to practical issues. Also available with MyLab® Finance MyLab is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab® Finance personalises the learning experience and improves results for each student. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab® Finance, search for: 9781292244259 Corporate Finance, Global Edition, 5th Edition with MyLab Finance Package consists of: 9781292208541 Corporate Finance and Investment, 9th Edition 9781292234915 Corporate Finance and Investment, 9th Edition MyLab® Finance 9781292244228 Corporate Finance and Investment, 9th Edition Pearson eText MyLab® Finance is not included. Students, if MyLab Finance is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab Finance should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Corporate Finance and Investment
    Corporate Finance and Investment

    Understand and develop the tools to apply the principles of Corporate Finance from an international perspective with this leading text. Corporate Finance and Investment: Decisions and Strategies, 9th Edition is the latest version of this highly regarded and established text, coming from a team of leading experts in the field. The text studies the discipline from an international perspective, aiming to help you understand the fundamental principles of Corporate Finance and develop the tools you need to apply theory to practice. The latest, thoroughly revised Edition includes topical issues in valuation, working capital, capital structure, the dividend decision, Islamic Finance, Risk Management, and Behavioural Finance. Focusing on the strategic issues of Finance in a business setting, this must-read text uses the latest financial and accounting data, articles, and research papers, to effectively demonstrate the ways and extent you can apply theory to practical issues. Also available with MyLab® Finance MyLab is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab® Finance personalises the learning experience and improves results for each student. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab® Finance, search for: 9781292244259 Corporate Finance, Global Edition, 5th Edition with MyLab Finance Package consists of: 9781292208541 Corporate Finance and Investment, 9th Edition 9781292234915 Corporate Finance and Investment, 9th Edition MyLab® Finance 9781292244228 Corporate Finance and Investment, 9th Edition Pearson eText MyLab® Finance is not included. Students, if MyLab Finance is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab Finance should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

    Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was ist eine All Risk Versicherung?

    Was ist eine All Risk Versicherung?

  • Was ist Deka Investment?

    Deka Investment ist eine Fondsgesellschaft, die zur DekaBank-Gruppe gehört und sich auf die Verwaltung von Investmentfonds spezialisiert hat. Sie bietet eine breite Palette an Fondsprodukten für verschiedene Anlagestrategien und Anlegerprofile an. Deka Investment legt den Fokus auf eine professionelle und transparente Vermögensverwaltung sowie auf eine nachhaltige Anlagepolitik. Die Fondsgesellschaft ist in Deutschland einer der größten Anbieter von Investmentfonds und verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung in der Finanzbranche. Anleger können von der Expertise und dem Know-how von Deka Investment profitieren, um ihre finanziellen Ziele zu erreichen.

  • Was ist Investment Banking?

    Investment Banking ist ein Bereich der Finanzbranche, der sich mit der Beratung von Unternehmen, Regierungen und anderen Institutionen bei Finanzierungs- und Kapitalmarkttransaktionen befasst. Dazu gehören beispielsweise Fusionen und Übernahmen, Börsengänge, die Platzierung von Anleihen und die Strukturierung von Finanzprodukten. Investmentbanker helfen ihren Kunden dabei, Kapital zu beschaffen, Risiken zu managen und strategische Entscheidungen zu treffen, um ihr Geschäftswachstum zu fördern. Sie arbeiten eng mit verschiedenen Abteilungen wie dem Handel, der Forschung und dem Risikomanagement zusammen, um maßgeschneiderte Finanzlösungen anzubieten.

  • Was ist Investment Anteil?

    Was ist Investment Anteil? Ein Investment Anteil bezieht sich auf den prozentualen Anteil, den ein Investor an einem Investmentfonds oder einem Unternehmen besitzt. Dieser Anteil bestimmt, wie viel Einfluss und Anspruch auf Gewinne ein Investor hat. Je größer der Investment Anteil, desto mehr Mitspracherecht und potenzielle Rendite hat der Investor. Investment Anteile können in Form von Aktien, Fondsanteilen oder anderen Finanzinstrumenten gehalten werden. Es ist wichtig, den Investment Anteil regelmäßig zu überwachen und zu bewerten, um die Performance des Investments zu verfolgen und gegebenenfalls Anpassungen vorzunehmen.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Investment risk:

  • Your No-Frills Investment Strategy
    Your No-Frills Investment Strategy

    This is the eBook version of the printed book.This Element is an excerpt from Technical Analysis: Power Tools for Active Investors (9780131479029) by Gerald Appel. Available in print and digital formats.   Why preserving capital needs to be your #1 priority – and how to do it.   Successful investing involves two basic areas of decision: what to buy and sell, and when. It’s not how much you make that counts; it’s how much you manage not to lose. To make up for stock losses, you must achieve greater percentage gains than those losses. It doesn’t matter whether the losses or the gains come first. For example…

    Preis: 3.2 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Secrets of Economic Indicators, The: Hidden Clues to Future Economic Trends and Investment Opportunities
    Secrets of Economic Indicators, The: Hidden Clues to Future Economic Trends and Investment Opportunities

    For years, investors, business strategists, and policymakers worldwide have turned to one book to help them translate the massive flow of economic data into knowledge for intelligent decision-making. The Wall Street Journal called this book "…the real deal," saying it "miraculously breathes life into economic indicators and statistics." That book is Bernie Baumohl’s classic best-seller The Secrets of Economic Indicators. Now, in a brand-new Third Edition, Baumohl has thoroughly updated his classic to reflect the latest US and foreign economic indicators, and brand-new insights into what all of today’s leading indicators mean. Baumohl introduces dozens of new, forward-looking economic markers, including those that monitor small business plans, freight traffic shifts, web searches, and even gambling. He also presents several real-time foreign indicators for anticipating swings in European and Asian economies. He explains what’s happened to the global and domestic U.S. economy in recent years, showing how financial crises impact investments, strategy, and economic indicators. New graphics more clearly illuminate how key indicators impact interest rates, bond and stock prices, and currency values; and hundreds of websites containing US and global economic indicators have been updated. This classic book has long been considered an invaluable resource by professionals who need to understand the true meaning of the latest economic trends. With this new edition, Bernie Baumohl has made it even more useful.

    Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Secrets of Economic Indicators, The: Hidden Clues to Future Economic Trends and Investment Opportunities
    Secrets of Economic Indicators, The: Hidden Clues to Future Economic Trends and Investment Opportunities

    For years, investors, business strategists, and policymakers worldwide have turned to one book to help them translate the massive flow of economic data into knowledge for intelligent decision-making. The Wall Street Journal called this book "…the real deal," saying it "miraculously breathes life into economic indicators and statistics." That book is Bernie Baumohl’s classic best-seller The Secrets of Economic Indicators. Now, in a brand-new Third Edition, Baumohl has thoroughly updated his classic to reflect the latest US and foreign economic indicators, and brand-new insights into what all of today’s leading indicators mean. Baumohl introduces dozens of new, forward-looking economic markers, including those that monitor small business plans, freight traffic shifts, web searches, and even gambling. He also presents several real-time foreign indicators for anticipating swings in European and Asian economies. He explains what’s happened to the global and domestic U.S. economy in recent years, showing how financial crises impact investments, strategy, and economic indicators. New graphics more clearly illuminate how key indicators impact interest rates, bond and stock prices, and currency values; and hundreds of websites containing US and global economic indicators have been updated. This classic book has long been considered an invaluable resource by professionals who need to understand the true meaning of the latest economic trends. With this new edition, Bernie Baumohl has made it even more useful.

    Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Ninja Turtles Jubiläums-Münze mit Investment-Potenzial
    Ninja Turtles Jubiläums-Münze mit Investment-Potenzial

    Die offizielle 40 Jahre "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" Silbermünze mit Investment-Potenzial! Diese besondere Jubiläums-Münze aus reinstem Silber (999,9/1000) wurde anlässlich der beliebtesten Schildkröten der Welt entwickelt. Die Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sind Ikonen der Popkultur, haben seit ihrem ersten Auftritt 1984 eine riesige Fangemeinde aufgebaut und werden nun 40 Jahre alt. Das reinste Silber macht die Münze nicht nur für Fans der Ninja Turtles, sondern auch für Sammler und Anleger interessant - Du hast den Anlagewert des Silbers und profitierst gleichzeitig vom Sammlerwert des Turtles Jubiläum und der limitierten Auflage von nur 25.000 Exemplaren weltweit. Deine Münze wurde in Australiens staatlicher Münzprägestätte Perth Mint geprägt und zeigt auf der Rückseite das offizielle Münzporträt von King Charles III, dem Staatsoberhaupt des Landes. Somit bist du Besitzer einer Münze, die als offizielles Zahlungsmittel im Ausgabeland zugelassen ist. Seit vier Jahrzehnten haben die Turtles, mit ihrer einzigartigen Mischung aus Action und Humor, die Herzen von Fans weltweit erobert. Gemeinsam feiern wir ihr 40-jähriges Jubiläum stilecht mit ausreichend Pizza und dieser einzigartigen Münze. Cowabunga! Du erhältst deine "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"-Anlagemünze aus reinstem Silber (999,9/1000) unverbindlich für 14 Tage zur Ansicht. Innerhalb dieser Zeit kannst du deine Münze garantiert zurückgeben.

    Preis: 39.77 € | Versand*: 6.95 €

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